Open Mindedness

As an atheist, I am often called “close-minded” by theists, simply because I don’t believe what they believe. They say I need to be open-minded; however open-mindedness is simply the willingness to consider new ideas. Just because atheists like myself then reject those ideas (which are based on a lack of evidence and flawed thinking) doesn’t make us “close-minded”, in simply makes us intelligent. In fact, science promotes open-mindedness as open-mindedness gives us new theories, which can lead to a scientific breakthrough. Some people also claim that a scientist needing evidence to accept a theory, are close minded. The idea that requiring evidence makes you close minded, is illogical and this idea should be erased.

Just because an event has no explanation that is obvious to you, it doesn’t mean that the event is supernatural. By calling is supernatural, you are almost certain to misinterpret any future evidence that suggests otherwise and you will also remove whole worlds of alternate possibilities, before it is clear which one is appropriate, which is in fact, the very definition of close-minded.

Some people “back up” their claim, by providing an experience or situation that they cannot explain, implying that somehow this makes their claim more plausible; however this does not strengthen their case. It only and simply shows, that your case cannot be explained. Many people are also happy for people to express scepticism about the things they express scepticism, but not the things about which they don’t express scepticism and in these cases, they seem to think that you are open-minded if you agree with them.

There are many ways to become more open-minded. By considering every possibility, you open new paths in your mind that you never knew existed. When it comes to religious and other beliefs, go through a list of the things you believe. If you a not sure whether you believe one, go search it up, learn more about it, and then make an informed decision about it. Remember, and I cannot express this enough, when researching things different to what you believe, try not to be biased, and watch out for biased sources. Consider what the side that you don’t believe has to say, and if you are ill informed about it, go search it up.

So next time you go to tell someone that they need to be more “open-minded”, think about this article and how to be more open-minded and whether you instead, should be taking your own advice.
